Hvert år uddeles den fornemme Fecava pris Didier-Nöel Carlotti Award til en person i den veterinære branche, som har ydet en fremragende indsats for tværfaglig kommunikation og/eller efteruddannelse af dyrlæger i Europa.
En dansk delegation indstillede Christian Kolthoff til prisen: bl.a. i forbindelse med hans arbejdsglædeworkshops i efterår 2022. Og han var kun et mulehår fra at få prisen. Indstillingen lød:
Christian Kolthoff is a very well-known and unique character in the Danish veterinary society. He is known for constantly challenging the status quo and (re)searching for ways to improve quality of life for vets and nurses in practice. His last venture aiming at “making Danish vets the happiest in the world” has made a significant impact in Denmark. As part of this project, he has sought and received financial support for an extensive job satisfaction project, where he has provided (all for free) work happiness workshops for 655 vets and nurses, extensive research and root cause analyses on challenges in the veterinary world, free leadership training for practice owners, a helpline for vets & nurses, implementation of a work happiness certification, and a free online work happiness toolbox.
Christian is constantly on the forefront of spotting trends, challenges, and solutions in the veterinary world. Currently his attention is on how to lead and manage the new generation of vets as well as how to solve the root causes for today’s challenges in the veterinary community.
Christian has a sharp pen and is a tireless networker running numerous different networks all bringing people together for common causes.
Det er da flotte ord, og selvom Christian ikke vandt, så er sådan en anerkendelse med til at topmotivere ham i det videre arbejde for netop arbejdsglæde.
“Sådan en indstilling er med til at skabe arbejdsglæde for mig – det er selvforstærkende,” siger han.
Siden 2022 har praQtice haft stort fokus på arbejdsglæde og fortsat kører:
- Boosterworkshops
- Arbejdsglædecertificering
- Kollegahjælpen
- TAK – Tænketank for Arbejdsglæde i praksis